Special Diet vegan cupcake recipe
Diet vegan cupcake

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Adjust Servings:
2 cups Soaked lentils
2 Frozen banana
200 gr Rolled Oats
1/2 cup Grape syrup
2 tablespoons Sesame Tahini
2 tablespoons Peanut Butter
1 tablespoons Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1 cup Water
1/4 cup Walnuts chopped

Nutritional information


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A vegan cupcake is a healthy cupcake without any oil, gluten, or dairy and you can make this cupcake when you crave sweet things.

  • Dairy Free
  • Egg-Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Healthy
  • Lactose free
  • Nut-free
  • Oil Free
  • Sugar Free
  • Vegan
  • Yeast-Free




Do you believe vegans can’t eat cake and sweet things? If you are a sweet addict, and there is good news for you. Vegans same like other people can make a delicious cake and enjoy that. But in Vegan cupcakes, you can’t use diaries like egg or cow milk.

Vegan healthy cupcake is appropriate for breakfast or brunch and you can serve this cupcake for your parties.

I teach you to make vegan cupcakes with healthy ingredients very easily and enjoy tasting that. There are not any sugar, gluten, oil, or diaries in these recipes. If you want to lose weight or you have allergic to gluten, you can use this Vegan cupcake recipe to make delicious sweet healthy muffins.

Are you ready to make a special Diet vegan cupcake?

Here I will teach you how to make e delicious vegan cupcakes with very easy ingredients.

Let’s go to make that.

Diet vegan cupcake
Diet vegan cupcake


1-you can decorate these cupcakes with berries, mango, and all of the fruits you like them.

2-you can keep very well these cupcakes in a covered container in the fridge for a week. Also, you can keep them in a covered container in the room for 2- 4 days.

3-you can keep these cupcakes on frozen for up to 3 months. But for frozen cupcakes don’t add bananas and other fresh fruits for decoration on them.

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5 minutes

heating oven

To make Diet vegan cupcake you should preheat the oven to 350 °C.

10 minutes

blending frozen bananas and other things

Add all of the soaked lentils, frozen banana, rolled oats, grape syrup, tahini, peanut butter, baking powder, vanilla, and water to a blender and blend them for 10- 15 minutes.

10 minutes

pour the cupcake on the cupcake liners

Then add cupcake liners to the tray oven, after that pour the batter on the cupcake liners. In this step, you can add some chopped walnuts on top of the cupcake to have delicious banana muffins.

20 minutes

baking cupcakes in the oven

In this step, Place the tray into the oven and bake the cupcake for 20-25 minutes. You can check the cupcakes with a toothpick. If you inserted and toothpick into the cupcakes and it comes out clean, the cupcakes are ready to serve.

15 minutes

vegan cupcake serving time

You can serve this vegan cupcake with fresh banana or strawberry slices and enjoy that.

Avatar of Zahra Radan

Zahra Radan

I'm Zahra, and I have been a vegan for 5 years; I publish raw vegan and vegan recipes on VEGi 1 site. I have vegan recipes for all days and meals that even non-vegetarians will love. I try to prove that you will not miss any delicious food by changing to a vegan lifestyle. If you make this dish, share the photo on Instagram or Facebook and tag me with @vegifamily and #vegi1.

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